Voice Over Artistry


Party At The End Of The World (2021)

Written by, Edited by and Starring Stephanie Orta-Vázquez as… everyone! Made during quarantine in her humble home studio, Stephanie’s first experimental One-Person Radio-Play received an enthusiastic response over its Twitch premiere:

“Time is relative, but the future is calling: At the very end of the world, a rogue radio station has locked on to your signal and refuses to budge, they are throwing a party all through the inter-webs before the inevitable END OF IT ALL. As an AI attempts damage-control, let’s just hope every timeline pouring through the radio station doesn’t make this party suck.”

Originally presented at an online performance art event for I Don’t Wanna See That BK, Stephanie hopes to play more and more with this medium in the future, as she feels there are never enough experimental explorations with sound that aren’t necessarily working within a musical category.


Meeting At The Edge Of The World (2022)

Written by, Edited by and Starring Stephanie Orta-Vázquez as everyone… again! A sequel installment and a stand alone by itself, Meeting At The Edge is another exploration in Radio-Play genres:

“Past, present, future! All connected between webs and waves interlocked to create a reality. We eavesdrop into a conversation we’re not meant to hear, as an AI and a Programer try to salvage whatever precious thing they thought they once had.”

Made once again in her humble home studio, Stephanie Orta-Vázquez hopes this duo-logy inspires artists to explore all their creative interests on their feet with a playful and open energy. It was originally presented at an online performance art event for I Don’t Wanna See That BK.